Cabela's and Bass Pro big weekend for Pearson Ranch Elk & Bison Jerky

Aug 21, 2013Veronica Castleberry

We had a blast this past weekend visiting with all the jerky lovers who stopped by our booths at the Lone Tree, CO Cabela's, Thornton, CO Cabela's, and the Bass Pro Shop in Broken Arrow, OK. Our snack sticks, jerky and summer sausages were flying off the racks so fast we could barely keep up! We went through over 95 pounds of samples in one day in one location! We are thrilled with the response and very thankful for all the people who helped make this past weekend awesome!

cabelas elk jerky displayjerky fans at bison jerky display
jerky fans getting jerky samples at cabela's displaycabela's elk and bison jerky display
Pearson Ranch elk & bison jerky display in Cabela'sBass Pro elk & bison jerky display
Bass Pro elk jerky displayJerky fans getting samples at Bass Pro
Elk Jerky Samples at Bass Pro displaykids getting elk and bison jerky samples at Bass Pro
Pearson Ranch Elk & Bison Jerky display at Bass ProPearson Ranch Elk & Bison Jerky staff at Bass Pro display
Staff at Pearson Ranch Elk & Bison Jerky display

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